Key Features
1️⃣ Leverage Effect – Trade a large position with a small deposit.How is Margin Calculated?
Margin Requirement Formula:
Margin = (Entry Price × Contract Size × Lots) ÷ Leverage
Example:Mini Challenge🖋️
Can I trade 0.1 lot of gold at $2,500
with only $100 on a 1:500 leverage account?
✅ Yes! You can!
(Forex margin trading requires minimal capital to get started.)
Early History
1️⃣ Gold Standard Era (Late 19th - Early 20th Century)The Rise of Modern Margin Trading
1️⃣ Floating Exchange Rates (Post-1971)Who is Trading Forex?
1️⃣ Retail Investors 👤Feel free to leave a message for me
if you have any questions or insights!
I'm Taiwan Lix, see you next time! 👋✨